BASTA TAYO SAMA SAMA (BTS) was borne out of a common desire from a few individuals to spearhead an effort to help, assist, teach and provide opportunities for the marginalized sectors of our society.
BTS is a non-government organization that offers free membership allowing people to have access to the benefits of BTS which include free legal services, medical assistance and livelihood programs. BTS also aids in the distribution of health cards provided by the Anakalusugan Partylist that give access to free healthcare in government hospital.

Our Mission is to make an impact and improve the quality of life of the marginalized sectors of society through partnerships with donors and benefactors, and influencing individuals, group and institutions into realizing their humanitarian concerns as we provide a venue for them to contribute their resources through meaningful, relevant and responsive programs.

Our Vision is to be a dynamic and caring organization that inspires and promotes positive action and helps create an environment of LOVE, RESPECT, and COOPERATION in our society.